
If I'm so wonderful, why am I still single? - by Susan Page

A few short notes on how to find love in an unloving world:

1. Examine your hidden ambivalence
2. Ignore the dread statistics
3. Abandon the myth that there are no good ways to meet people
4. Keep your standard high

5. Don't get stuck in the swamp - learning to say no
6. Watch for frogs in royal clothing - distinguishing between pseudo intimacy and the real thing
7. Beware of the temporary prince or princess - avoiding commitmentphobes
8. Don't try to make the prince or princess love you - how to handle an intimacy gap
9. What to do when you find your prince or princess but you are afraid of the castle - learning to say yes

10. Increasing your self awareness and self-esteem
11. Loneliness and balance
12. Future plans!

