
at Victoria

I'm now sitting in a library of Victoria, don't know what to do/ where to go.
The excitement in the beginning is half gone. Also, since the school has sightseeing tours, I better not to wander.

Kinda regret to get there so soon.
It's nothing to do with Victoria, just things are not running that smooth.
Still, I met nice/ friendly people.

There're so many Cantonese.

3 則留言:

  1. Have you brought travel books with you? Also it may be helpful to find a travel companion.

  2. 此留言已被作者移除。

  3. Ya, I've got maps and things like that, n I heard the school has a travel agent.

    It's just that I've read the schedule, seems the school will have activities held at places that I planned to, so... maybe I should stay at Vancouver til classes started.

    The library is nice n comfy though.

    How's your 畢業衝刺?
