
Love Thyself


Harry G:
Loving yourself is not as easy as it may sound at first glance. It requires a LOT of effort, just as much as it requires to love someone else. You have to provide value in some way that you can be proud of yourself - whether it's a career, a passion, or a hobby...

You have to take care of yourself as you would take care of someone else - both practically (health, chores, financials...) and emotionally. You have to be the one to inspire and encourage yourself to try new things, and you have to be the one to pick yourself up when things go wrong.

It's not an easy task, but the rewards are absolutely worth it. You never need to question your value when you can see exactly how well you provide value to yourself. You can never be sure of how other people see you, but you can always be sure of how lovable you are to yourself. You can't control whether other people reject you, but you can always choose to accept yourself.

It's always easier to show compassion toward others, as you know it's only human nature. When it comes to oneself though, you will question yourself - how come not see this coming and handle it so badly?

Harry G:
One thing that might help is to... see it coming and prepare yourself beforehand.

True confidence comes not from thinking that things will always go well, but rather from knowing that you'll be fine even if things don't go well. As Alain has said, "gain peace of mind not by expecting the best, but by scoping out the very worst and making oneself at peace in it's grimmest recesses. Drain terror of its unexamined dimensions."

I myself have been rejected multiple times in the past year or so, and I was able to take it in stride every time - simply because I expected nothing more. I know that I would still be happy either way - and I was right.

Emo please die.

