

話說星期天買了瓶 Baileys,然後藏在房間某處每天喝一點點訓練酒量。它暫時是我喝過最好喝的酒。(雖然我也沒有喝過很多種酒)




當然,喝 Baileys 某程度也算是一點/一種反叛?


King's Speech

I am really moved at the end of the movie.

The story based on the true story of King George VI.
It's about a man who're overcoming his barrier step by step with the help of a friend.

I was touched by the courage and the endurance of the king, and his friendship with the "doctor".

Remains me to work harder and fight for my life.


One Day

The afternoon lesson was cancelled, went to watch <One Day> with friends.

This is a heart-touching movie with a sense of humor, and you can definitely see the fickleness of life. Even though I don't really like the ending, I like the way it surprised me. (You know, it's kinda bored if you can guess the ending.)

Highly recommended!


Never Let Me Go

This is a film I borrowed from the school library, which talk about genetically engineered clones.

After watching, what lingering in my mind is that why don't they rebel?

I only got the sad feeling but was unable to express, and then I saw this and this, they solve some of my questions and lead me to have a deeper thought of the film.
For more, see the Guardian review.


J 先生

在差不多一年後的今天,才確實知道 J 先生是輕度抑鬱。

他曾經是我的老師,但在還有最後幾星期 Sem. 完的時候走了,我們還擔心不知是甚麼事。其實說是說「我們」,也不知有多少人真正在意他。

那時高層 G 小姐的說詞曖昧不清,不跟我們說明真實情況,只道「你們有空發封電郵關心關心他,也不要問他有甚麼事‥‥‥」說我們是小孩子,怕影響我們情緒云云,轉頭卻跟相熟的同學密談,大概她認為某心臟功能比較強。問某呢,她只說不是撞車不是大病佛曰不可說。


其實 J 很有教學熱誠,他錯在用錯方式。又或者,他錯在倒霉。










我對他其實沒有特別好惡,只是覺得他很可憐。像 C 說的,為了這群人不值得。但將心比心,很難不抑鬱的。當「全世界」都針對你。



Essays in Love: Marxism

I got to know Alain de Botton because of a guy that I admire.
I tried to find his book "The art of Travel" before my Canada trip but have not succeeded, so I haven't really read his books until I came back.

Few days ago I wandered in the school library (which is a small one) looking for books, and accidentally find his book "Essays in Love", and started to read.

It provides some answers for me:
Why I admire people who are "different" from me; why I feel shock/ uneasy when somebody I like likes me back; why I started to lose interest when somebody shows interest; why I want to hide...

"Perhaps becasue the origins of a certain kind of love lie in an impulse to escape ourselves and our weaknesses by an alliance with the beautiful and noble. But if the loved ones love us back, we are forced to return to ourselves, and are hence reminded of the things that had driven us into love in the first place. Perhaps it was not love we wanted after all, perhaps it was simply someone in whom to believe, but how can we continue to believe in the beloved now that they believe in us?"

And in the conclusion, it says:

"There is usually a Marxist moment in every relationship, the moment when it becomes clear that love is reciprocated. The way it is resolved depends on the balance between self-love and self-hatred. If self-hatred gains the upper hand, then the one who has received love will declare that the beloved (on some excuse or other) is not good enough for them (not good enough by virtue of associating with no-goods). But if self-love gains the upper hand, both partners may accept that seeing their love reciprocated is not proof of how low the beloved is, but of how lovable they have themselves turned out to be."

That's why people said "love yourself before you start to love others".


The Waste Land

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

     T.S. Eliot -- "Little Gidding" (the last of his Four Quartets)