

Liberate Hong Kong - The Hundredth Day Declaration
Our Resolute Fight for Universal Suffrage and Battle against State Violence
Since the start of the Anti-Extradition Law Movement in Hong Kong (which some foreign media have termed “Water Revolution”) in June, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”) government has consistently ignored public opinion and condoned the unchecked actions of the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF). Meanwhile, pro-government media have mounted a malicious smear campaign against the protesters, and the MTR has turned into an accomplice to tyranny. As the instigator of the city’s woes, the Hong Kong government deliberately created social divisions and fueled hatred in our community, in an attempt to turn public attention away from the failures of their administration. The government is now destroying Hong Kong, home to generations of people who have worked to build it. 
The movement has lasted over 100 days and it is still unclear how events will unfold. On one hand, the government has attempted to quell the storm by formally withdrawing the extradition bill. On the other hand, protesters continue to face a relentless smear campaign on top of the government’s ever-tightening grip, an intensification of police violence, while truth and justice continue to be denied. We believe it is therefore necessary to once again emphasize to the general public the necessity of ‘Containing Violence through Force’, and to reiterate our call for ‘Genuine Universal Suffrage’. 
Shielded by the Government, 
HK Police Force Knowingly Breaks the Law 
As law enforcers entrusted with public power, Hong Kong Police Force (“HKPF”) is the only organization in Hong Kong whose members can legally bear arms. As such, every member of the police force should abide by the oath they took during their passing out ceremony: “I will execute the powers and duties of my office honestly, faithfully and diligently without fear of or favour to any person and with malice or ill-will toward none”. Equally, they should expect strict scrutiny when they exercise their power.
However, over the past few months, police officers have deliberately hidden their identities and repeatedly violated protocols with no consequences whatsoever. In front of cameras, the police have taken the law into their own hands by beating up subdued protesters. At the same time, they have turned a blind eye to attacks on innocent citizens by triads and pro-China groups. Away from the cameras, what exactly happened at Sun Uk Ling Holding Centre on 11 August and at Prince Edward MTR station on 31 August remain a mystery. White terror pervades the whole society. The police owe the public the full and honest truth. 
The police have acted with impunity given firm support from the HKSAR government. In various press releases, the government has defended police brutality by saying that the police have acted to restore law and order. However, it is the governing authority and the law enforcers themselves that are eroding the legal system and law enforcement. It is their own tyranny which has pushed Hong Kong to “the verge of extreme danger,” and yet still they blame the protesters.
2019 年 7 月 1 日,示威者一度佔領立法會,並留下「是你教我和平遊行是沒用」塗鴉。
2019 年 7 月 1 日,示威者一度佔領立法會,並留下「是你教我和平遊行是沒用」塗鴉。
There are No Rioters but only Tyranny, 
Containing Violence with Force shall be justified
"It was you who taught me (us) peaceful marches are useless.” 
As all lawful, peaceful means of protest have been proven futile, acts of civil disobedience with stronger force and resistance to combat the tyrannical government and their aggressive allies are inevitable. To "contain violence with force" is an act of justice, and our responsibility towards the people. This declaration could easily be misunderstood and cause concern. Therefore, we hereby solemnly stress that none of us had nor will ever show unwarranted hostility towards anyone, including innocent citizens, the press, first aiders or people of opposite opinions. Any forms of escalated force target only the despotic ruling body and its accomplices in its reign of terror. protesters have destroyed MTR facilities, because the MTRC turned its back on Hongkongers and fully cooperated with the HKPF in its use of violence. The symbolic occupation and destruction of Legco on 1 July was an outcry against injustice in the political system. As a result of the inaction of the HKPF towards indiscriminate attacks using sticks, steel pipes and knives in Yuen Long, Tsuen Wan and North Point, there is an urgency to combat and restrain the triads and thugs with minimum yet necessary force.
Police officers have continued to enforce the law highly selectively, arresting the wounded while protecting the attackers in full view of the public. We shall not sit back and fold our hands on a moral high horse, as our comrades and fellow civilians are exposed to the danger of being indiscriminately attacked. We have no choice but to "contain violence by the use of force" with two basic objectives. First, as a reasonable act of self-defense to best protect ourselves, our companions and other civilians, from random acts of abuse. Second, for the sake of ensuring the safety of all, to deter potential perpetrators from harming members of the public. Again, we will never actively or indiscriminately attack people. It is important for all to understand that such force is employed for self defense and halting violence, instead of venting anger. We believe in justice and we shall not cease to stand up for our people.
Genuine Universal Suffrage is the foundation to the Five Demands
We hereby reiterate the Five Demands:
Permanent withdrawal of the Extradition Bill
Establish an Independent Commission of Inquiry into abuse of power by HKPF
Dual and genuine Universal Suffrage (for both the Legislative Council and the Chief Executive)
Release all arrested protesters, and a pledge that they will not be further prosecuted
Retract all characterization of “riot”
Although Chief Executive Carrie Lam has formally withdrawn the Extradition Bill, the move has regrettably come too late. The crux of the problem lies in the corruption of the system: the incompetence of the HKSAR Government, the intervention and turmoil caused by the Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”) regime, the collusion between the CCP, HK Government, businesses, triads and police, etc. The HKPF could therefore ignore the basic civil rights, interests and safety of the public. The current withdrawal of the Bill will not mend the rift of the corrupted system. We refuse a patchwork remedy: “Five Demands, Not One Less”! The implementation of genuine universal suffrage, is therefore of utmost importance.
The current SAR government, be it the executive or legislative branch, bears no genuine accountability towards Hongkongers. With respect to the executive branch, the Chief Executive is proved to be loyal to the CCP instead of  the millions of Hong Kong people who staged protests throughout the past months. From the audio recording published by Reuters on 2 September, Carrie Lam admitted that she “had no choice”, affirming that the principles of “Hongkongers ruling Hong Kong” and “a high degree of autonomy” are void claims. With respect to the legislative branch, only half of the members in the current Legislative Council are democratically elected, while the other half are returned by ‘functional constituencies’ that are accused of small-circle votes which  lack legitimacy. The disqualification of elected candidates in recent elections further erode the legitimacy of the council. The electoral system is evident to be manipulated by executive authorities. The Legco could hence easily pass any government bill, such as the high speed railway link check's co-location bill among other white elephant projects. The anti-extradition law crisis is solid proof of the dysfunction nature of the system to monitor the government and to represent views from the public. Indeed, without the mass resistance outside the Legco on 12 June, the bill would have long been passed.
The Chinese government claims that the Basic Law is a national law - sacred and inviolable, but it keeps delaying in granting Hongkongers the right to universal suffrage, as promised in Article 45 and Article 68. We saw how the Standing Committees of the National People's Congress tried to make up reasons for such delay from 2007 to 2012, dragging on till 2016 and eventually forcing Hongkongers to accept an electoral reform under the “831 framework” with pre-screening of candidates. However, Hongkongers refused to compromise and strongly voiced “Universal Suffrage now”. We demand that all leaders and lawmakers of Hong Kong to be elected by direct elections without any pre-screening, and we will not concede to anything less.
The absence of a democratically elected legislative council and government is the root cause of this disastrous rule of man. Therefore, we would like to emphasize that our political system needs fundamental reform to avoid repeating the same mistake, and only a government elected by “genuine universal suffrage” can truly respond to public opinion and implement the four remaining demands. “Genuine Universal Suffrage” means the authorities will no longer be able to ignore public opinion, and brutal police officers and triad members can be thoroughly investigated, and the government will cease its current sheltering of them. This is the only way to turn the tide and preserve Hong Kong’s reputation as a city governed by the rule of law. 
Hong Kong people will stand together in this uphill battle: 
Liberate Hong Kong, The Revolution of Our Times
Since June 9, the world has witnessed the fortitude of the Hongkongers. This period has marked our yearning for a monumental breakthrough, and the awakening of wisdom and courage to achieve an unprecedented victory. Moving past the 100th day of this battle, we shall never forget those who have sacrificed themselves and have been arrested. We shall commemorate the spirit of “Liberate Hong Kong, the Revolution of Our Times”. The community shall stand as one against tyranny. The path against tyranny is an arduous one. However for we Hongkongers there is no turning back. Our flesh is weak, but our will to resist the governing authority and its violence is resolute and persistent.
“May people reign, proud and free, now and ever more.” -- Glory to Hong Kong
Last but not least, to the incumbent Government: we have demonstrated the strong resilience of Hongkongers to the international community. If the Government refuses to admit its own fault and to accept the five demands in full, we must contend and fight until we accomplish what we demand. There are no other ways to restore the aura of the Pearl of the Orient other than to respect and accept the people’s voices. We shall not surrender until a guaranteed dual universal suffrage.

