
1st day (night) @ Singapore

Since we took the night flight to Singapore, it's almost 0030H upon arrival, n we decided to spend the night @ terminal n head straight to the hostel that we've booked afterwards. It appeared to be quite an unique "wandering" experience n since we don't wanna do that with a lugguage, we decided to check out later. I just can't really fall asleep so i iterally lying at the sofa with a pillow made of cloth n made some of the hair to cover my eyes.

So it was around 3 something when someone tapped my shoulder n said "Good morning". I thought it was my friend though I felt strange that the voice was different. When I opened my eyes, there were some uniform polices standing in front of me and one of the guys was holding a long gun! I was kinda awakened but my brain still kinda mal functioned. They asked me to show passport n boarding pass n asked the reason of us still hamging around. Looking back, somehow I think I should be able to handle it better, at least not with a silly look of startle, yet at the moment, I can't think of anything n reacted like a stone n answered with stammer. Then they photoed our passport n relayed that we need to check out. (i later figured out that maybe because our names're on the arrival list, yet we didn't check out, so they search for us)

The lesson? I am still very green towards life n don't know how to handle emergency.

