

So stressful.
Can't concentrate in the practice of tomorrow's presentation.
Two presentation in a row tomorrow, and I feel sick today, sore throat.
Never felt so sad preparing a present.

Questioning my ability.

I know I need to relax, it's no good to be too tense, but I really wanna have a good result tomorrow. This is my final semester, I wanna do a good job.

Maybe it's because my final putonghua presentation was not as good.
Maybe it's just the % of the present. is too high.
Maybe I'm just not confident enough.


Grad. trip

Back to school for presentation practice this morning, then went to MK to buy travel package with friend in the afternoon. (to Korea)

A five-day grad. trip confirmed.



乘搭最後一班飛機  闖進異地

穿過雪松  翻越山嶺  走遍昏睡田間

杉樹暗示  園人指引

我拿著地圖  看見你模糊的身影  看不見確實的方向

你就在眼前 彷彿觸手可及

生活  靜好  安穩 豐富 只是沒有我

妄想侵入  打亂規律

空間  扭曲  崩壞  碎裂


Celebrate with Ruby & Eunice

Got up so early to have breakfast with Mandy, but in fact, both of us were not eating much. Mostly is about chatting. I'm kinda disturbed by the "zi" sound produced by her when the old lady behind accidentally kicked her chair. For me, it's kinda "over-reacted" and mean, because the lady was sort of embarrassed and already apologize, but she didn't even care to give her a "never mind". Made me think of one incident in the pass, when I took MTR with her, a man stepped on her toe, and she stared the guy angrily with the complain "it hurts!" I know, it did hurt, but one should also consider others feeling. You can be angry, but it's not necessary for you to show and give others a hard time. I didn't mean to "put myself in the high ground", I have many shortcomings. It just made me uncomfortable. OR, is it because... the many little cracks between that make me more harsh to her?

Went to church afterward, when I listened to the ballad, I have the desire of crying, which made me wonder whether I am under much pressure or so.

Back home, rushed for the group project, I was kinda proud of myself when I saw the final version.

Read some books, then took the MTR to MK celebrating birthday with Ruby and Eunice. Listening "last smile" of love psychedelico, I noticed the girl sitting next to me, and wondering whether she's the blogger that I usually read.

Had a good time with friends.

Back home, planned to check email, take a shower, and sleep. Then saw a email message from a teacher, which made me rather angry that I couldn't help calling Eunice, asked her to check the email. How come a GROUP PROJECT is assessed by individual parts? I mean, it's normal to evaluate base on individual presentation skills, but how come you wanna GROUP project divided into several parts and will not count the overall structure? and you didn't mention anything until several days before the presentation? so what's the meaning for my previous efforts? I decided to send a email to him TODAY. I know it's not good for one to reply an email when one is in one's temper, but I can't wait until tomorrow. Anyway, I had sent the email for Eunice to take a look before sending to the teacher. See what would happen later.



久沒有更新了,最近都在   「忙」。






恨也需要動用感情-- 李碧華


「世上沒有一件工作是不辛苦的,沒有一處人事是不複雜的。如果命中注定是打工,便打好它。別恨把青春葬送,你在家蹺起二郎腿,青春也一樣葬送,不見得光陰會過得慢點。有些人是不必工作的,但那既不是你,反正都要做了,何不快樂一點去做? 」


Daniel Powter - Bad Day



Should learn how to say "NO"!
But it's always easier said than done.


(Book Review) The Catcher in the Rye

You probably heard about this book. The Catcher in the Rye is a novel written by J. D. Salinger. The main character Holden Caulfield is a rebellious adolescent in the eyes of most people, especially for adults and “top dogs”. He smokes a lot, swears a lot; he was kicked out by four schools because of his poor academic performance; he even called a prostitute to his hotel room. None of these sound right to us. We might easily treat this book as a crazy story describing a riotous teenager searching for his crazy soul in this crazy world. However, the story is not as simple and loose as it looks.

Despite all his shortcomings, Holden is a caring boy who likes children and feels sorry for others’ suffering. He always want to “be the catcher in the rye” who would catch every child who happens to go over the crazy cliff. The meaning of “the catcher” can be interpreted in a lot of different ways. However, it’s a common believe that it is a person who saves children “falling” from their innocence. This is in fact a serious book written in vulgar language criticizing the superficiality of the society.

Besides the story, you will definitely admire the writing skills of the writer. The vivid languages take you to the New York streets and have a taste of its nightlife. You can almost hear the characters talking.

Before you read, just one tip: Enjoy!